Lightning Share Out

Lightning Share-out of Instructional Practice Protocol (Virtual Teaching and Learning)

This protocol is designed to facilitate collegial inquiry and dialogue related to teaching and learning. The protocol is designed to be facilitated in small groups. Each participant should be prepared to share an artifact, story, tips or lessons learned related to the following prompt:

Prompt: I’ve found success teaching in an online or hybrid environment by leveraging the following (strategy, tool, method, lesson, resource) and I have seen my student/s grow based on the following evidence...

Working in small groups of (4) each participant will have a turn as the presenting teacher. The protocol will operate in a total of four rounds. Within each round a presenting teacher will respond to the identified prompt for a total of three minutes. When a teacher is responding to the prompt they can also share an artifact or evidence that may help to support their narrative. While the presenting teacher is sharing, all other group members are quiet. After the three minutes are up the time keeper will let the group know that it is now time for other group members to make connections, ask clarifying questions and engage in dialogue. The full group dialogue will last for a total of seven minutes. Each round consists of one presenting teacher sharing their instructional practice for 3 minutes, followed by full group dialogue for seven minutes. Once the 10-minute round has been completed, a new round with a new presenting teacher can begin. The entire protocol will take 40 minutes to facilitate.

Please identify a group member to be the time keeper and begin the protocol.

Sample Dialogue Starters:

• I’m curious about...
• I connect to your student work by....
• It seemed like you were starting to...
• A question I have is....
• I’m excited about this idea because...

Presenting teacher:

Briefly explain the lesson that you are presenting and respond to the prompt. You are also permitted to share an artifact or evidence that supports your narrative. (3 minutes)

Time Keeper:

One group member will use a clock or personal device to keep time. Each rotation: One presenting teacher and three participants should take approximately 10 min./per round. Note: the time keeper is also a participant.

Participant Teacher:

after the presenting teacher shares their instructional practice, engage in dialogue by making connections, asking questions or building on ideas. You can use some of the following dialogue starters to get the conversation started.

Lightning Share-out Student Work Protocol

This is a protocol designed to facilitate inquiry and dialogue related to student learning. It is a process designed to create an equitable environment to listen to colleagues, make connections and share student learning journeys. Working in small groups select a presenting teacher and a time-keeper for the group. Each member of the group will have the opportunity to assume the role of presenting teacher.

Presenting Teacher:

Briefly explain the lesson that you are presenting and review the types of thinking and learning the lesson was meant to reveal. Also, describe any other context that you feel is important to (3 minutes).

Participant Teacher:

All members of the group that are not the presenting teacher will be active participants. After the presenting teacher talks for three minutes about the selected student work, each participating teacher will select a prompt from the center of the table and document your thinking in relation to the presenting teacher.

Time Keeper:

One group member will use a clock or personal device to keep time so that each round is held to 5 minute intervals

Participating teacher share out: Each participating teacher will share their insights (sparked by the prompt) that surfaced while listening to the presenting teacher's story. (3 minutes per documenter) Participating teachers can open the dialogue with the presenting teacher and other colleagues within the 3 minute window.

Each round of sharing will include:

● Presenting teacher (3 Minutes) share the story of the student work that you brought
The presenting teacher displays the collection of selected work or shows a short video clip from a classroom episode.
● First participating teacher (3 Minutes) grab a prompt from the center of the table and facilitate dialogue related to the prompt
● Second participating teacher (3 Minutes) grab a prompt from the center of the table and facilitate dialogue related to the prompt

Repeat the round and rotate roles until all teachers have presented.

Documentation Prompts:

• I’m curious about...
• I connect to your student work by....
• It seemed like you were starting to...
• A question I have is....
• I’m excited about this idea because...